Yazhini Samyuktha
3 min readJun 2, 2018

Superpowers on a hectic day

If you were given an option to choose two superpowers, what would you choose?

I was thinking about this one evening commuting home early from work when the sun was giving in to the shadows of the night.
Being an extreme extrovert, I thought I would be leaning towards something flashy and very cool. And the first thing I wanted was to be invisible and undetected. Surprising myself, I started to think as to why I might want invisibility when I had never thought of it as a superpower.

I realized that being invisible to the eye meant being not judged. Though I had never let people realize that their comments and the looks I received let it be appreciating or snide and ranging from pity to jealousy had impact on me, it did affect my thought process more than I let on and made my priorities shift from working on being human to acting human and acting happy. I didn’t want to be healthy anymore. Instead, I wanted to be pretty and beautiful. I was slightly brainy but I was looking forward to people appreciating my looks. All of these would cease to matter when I was not visible to the eye.

And that’s why I wanted invisibility as my first superpower. Because despite what my surroundings depicted, despite the society telling me I couldn’t exist in my current state and without company or a partner, I felt as a whole being myself who was happily working on her flaws and didn’t need another person to complete me.

Then why the invisibility? I asked myself. From somewhere within the answer I had already known was uttered again. That I wasn’t looking forward to sharing the fact with anyone else. That I didn’t want well meaning people trying to convince me that I wasn’t enough. That I needn’t feel obliged to explain this to everyone who crossed my path. Instead, I could go to the beach and be lost in the beauty of the waves. Smile and laugh without being seen as a lunatic. Be myself without being confined to the restrictions of the society that I was forced to obey. I could go alone and watch a movie I wanted to without any consequences. I could travel all over the world with my eyes as my only camera. I would be safe from being hunted because of my gender. I wouldn’t have to worry about being exploited in many ways possible. It struck a chord in many levels for me.

From sitting curled up in a library for days without any interruption to enjoying a nice weather, from gobbling food to sleeping looking at the stars, I realized that I wouldn’t miss human interaction or what it had been reduced to. The meaningless chats, the casual gloating on social media that everyone had to see, the frequent status updates to indicate that I was also a part of the world.

I would miss nothing. And once I reached my stop, I was sad that I could never achieve this since invisibility was not yet freely available. And also that it would be really helpful to rob a bank though I would prefer a net banking transaction instead just by overlooking the world’s richest person’s computer. What with the GDPR and all the other complications.

And to be continued to the next superpower on another day when I’m feeling philosophic and nostalgic.

Mean while do comment what would be the two superpowers you would choose if you could have your pick of anything.


Yazhini Samyuktha

Aspiring to be a successful person, yet to define success. And a lazy perfectionist. Fan of Fantasy fiction and french fries. And pizza. And food. ♥️