Strive to be perfect! Or not?

Yazhini Samyuktha
2 min readFeb 6, 2019


Someone once told me that life was never about perfection. And that no matter what, perfection and beauty differ to every individual and you can never be universally Perfect. Which made me start thinking. At that point, it was always about perfecting my looks, my grades, my social and economical status and everything about my life to one point of perfection after which I could relax.

But then being ambitious isn’t the problem but being ambitious about things that are irrelevant is. I was simply asked to look at the mirror and tell myself “I love you.” I couldn’t. It felt like a lie. But what is all the point of it? Those extra kgs that you want to lose, those abs that you so desire and that meaningless idea you are chasing and deliberately making your life miserable because you aren’t there yet?

I didn’t love myself. But given the option that I could be anyone in this world and get a trillion dollars to spend and lavish, I still wouldn’t be anything but a better me. When I came to this realization, my entire perspective changed. While I had been judging myself for every mistake I did and every action that I didn’t take, I forgot to pat myself in the back for everything that I was doing successfully.

Life is full of realisations and they hit us all of a sudden. Maybe while you wanted to lose those 40 pounds you realise you look better when you just lost 25. Maybe you didn’t want to lose that weight but instead be fit, healthy and strong in and out. It doesn’t make you a terrible person for changing your goals. Maybe those dancing shoes weren’t made for you and those boxing gloves were.

No matter what we realise, what we intend to do about it is more important. Continue and complain or step up and succeed on what really matters.
Instead of striving towards perfection and success, stop to think why you want it and what it means to you. Think again.

But meanwhile, Love Yourself. Try and become a better version of you but while you do that don’t hate the current you. And embrace your imperfect self.
And finally, one day while I was still growing and learning, I was able to look at the mirror, smile from my heart and tell truthfully, “I Love You.”. 🖤

All about it. Or not.



Yazhini Samyuktha

Aspiring to be a successful person, yet to define success. And a lazy perfectionist. Fan of Fantasy fiction and french fries. And pizza. And food. ♥️