Second superpower on my list

Yazhini Samyuktha
3 min readJun 10, 2018


With reference to my previous post:

Here is the second part as promised on a nostalgic day. Do post your comments. :)

The next superpower I craved was even more shocking than the previous one, but I was able to guess where it came from.

I wanted to fly. Absolute cliche. But yes, I wanted wings. Not the red bull ones obviously. I wished for wings that would support me as I flew and glided through the skies. It wasn’t just for aesthetics so that I could show them off, like an angel with pure white wings sticking out behind me that weren’t completely functional. No, I didn’t even bother about how they should be built and what color they should be. Though a good looking one would be a plus. I wanted them to let me go where ever I wanted to. Like an eagle, like a sparrow, like a bat or a dragon I didn’t have any particular preference. Similarly, for feathers or membrane or metal like falcon in Marvel(Yes I like Marvel and adore Iron Man).

I thought again whether it was me being silly and trying to be metaphoric for being independent or something that I regularly and emphatically spoke about to anyone and anything that would listen. But no. I actually wanted to fly. And one of my most guarded secrets that only very few people on this Earth know is that I’m afraid of heights. I didn’t know if I should laugh or question my sanity.

But more than being afraid of heights I was afraid of stumbling and tripping on the exact wrong moment and falling to my death or even worse embarrassing myself in front of people. So may be wings was a reasonable request after all. I love the skies. Every single hue it has from the pale blue which is almost white to the darkest blue which turns into midnight black when everyone sleeps. Except for the night shift employees and the late night texters in their teens. And the ones in love. And the ones just out of love. You get my point.

Moving on, I knew exactly why I wanted this superpower after I looked at the book I was holding in my hand while looking out of the bus into the waking night. It was A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. I knew that it was Rhys who had inspired me to seek to face my fears. Those who haven’t read it kindly excuse the reference and do try to read the book since I loved all the three parts I’ve read so far. So not to give any spoilers, I’m refraining from disclosing more information from the book. But I had a yearning to spread my wings and fly the very moment even though I didn’t have any. Though there were parts in the book about how well-trained you should be to fly and how much hard work and efforts it required, I was sold with out a moment of hesitation.

Wondering how it would be to fly out into the sky, with nothing but your weight and gravity holding you back and to feel the wind on your face. Wouldn’t it be amazing? That is unless even with wings I managed to fall flat on my face without landing properly. So that was the last thought I had when I reached home and started to continue my book intent on knowing what happened next.

Invisibility and wings. Quite a wish I guess. :)



Yazhini Samyuktha

Aspiring to be a successful person, yet to define success. And a lazy perfectionist. Fan of Fantasy fiction and french fries. And pizza. And food. ♥️